Interface ClientResponse

public interface ClientResponse
Interface implemented by the responses that are generated for procedure invocations
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final byte
    An attempt to update the configuration failed; no change was made.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the transaction failed in the client before it was sent to the VoltDB server.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the request was timed out in the client before it could be sent to the VoltDB server.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the request was timed out in the client while waiting for a response from the VoltDB server.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that a compound procedure is taking longer than a sufficiently large timeout.
    static final byte
    Status indicating that a compound procedure was aborted by explicit action of the stored procedure.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating the connection to the database that the invocation was queued at was lost before a response was received.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the request didn't receive a response before the per-client timeout.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that a record in DR binary log could not be applied because a table could not be found for the table hash from the remote cluster.
    static final byte
    An attempt to update the configuration failed for an unexpected reason; the configuration may have been partially updated.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating the stored procedure failed and was rolled back.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the transaction completed and did not roll back, but some part of the operation didn't succeed.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the response was lost, and the outcome of the invocation is unknown.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the server is currently unavailable for stored procedure invocations.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating the store procedure executed successfully
    static final byte
    This status is returned when you are running in mixed mode and a new sysproc needs all nodes to have certain specified capability.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the transaction was sent to the wrong partition.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the transaction is mis-routed.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating that the transaction is being restarted.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating the stored procedure failed (or may never have been successfully invoked) and that there may have been negative side effects on the server
    static final byte
    Default value for the user specified app status code field
    static final byte
    An attempt was made to update the application catalog online, but the deployment contained changes that are not supported for online change.
    static final byte
    Status code indicating the stored procedure executed successfully and was voluntarily aborted and rolled back by the stored procedure code
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieve the status code returned by the stored procedure.
    Get a String representation of any additional information the stored procedure may have included in the response.
    Get the amount of time it took to run the transaction through the Client API, database, and back to the callback.
    Get the amount of time it took to run the transaction through the Client API, database, and back to the callback.
    Get an estimate of the amount of time it took for the database to process the transaction from the time it was received at the initiating node to the time the initiating node got the response and queued it for transmission to the client.
    Get the array of VoltTable results returned by the stored procedure.
    Retrieve the status code returned by the server
    Get a String representation of any additional information the server may have included in the response.
  • Field Details


      static final byte SUCCESS
      Status code indicating the store procedure executed successfully
      See Also:

      static final byte USER_ABORT
      Status code indicating the stored procedure executed successfully and was voluntarily aborted and rolled back by the stored procedure code
      See Also:

      static final byte GRACEFUL_FAILURE
      Status code indicating the stored procedure failed and was rolled back. There are no negative server side side effects.
      See Also:

      static final byte UNEXPECTED_FAILURE
      Status code indicating the stored procedure failed (or may never have been successfully invoked) and that there may have been negative side effects on the server
      See Also:

      static final byte CONNECTION_LOST
      Status code indicating the connection to the database that the invocation was queued at was lost before a response was received. It is possible that the invocation was sent, executed, and successfully committed before a response could be returned, or the invocation may never have been sent.
      See Also:

      static final byte SERVER_UNAVAILABLE
      Status code indicating that the server is currently unavailable for stored procedure invocations. The invocation for which this is a response was never executed.
      See Also:

      static final byte CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
      Status code indicating that the request didn't receive a response before the per-client timeout.

      This code is not used with the Client2 interface, which uses distinct CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT and CLIENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT codes.

      See Also:

      static final byte RESPONSE_UNKNOWN
      Status code indicating that the response was lost, and the outcome of the invocation is unknown.
      See Also:

      static final byte TXN_RESTART
      Status code indicating that the transaction is being restarted. These are used internally to Volt and shouldn't leak out to actual clients.
      See Also:

      static final byte OPERATIONAL_FAILURE
      Status code indicating that the transaction completed and did not roll back, but some part of the operation didn't succeed. For example, this is returned when a snapshot restore operation fails to restore one table out of many.
      See Also:

      static final byte TXN_MISPARTITIONED
      Status code indicating that the transaction was sent to the wrong partition. These are used internally to Volt and shouldn't leak out to actual clients.
      See Also:

      static final byte TXN_MISROUTED
      Status code indicating that the transaction is mis-routed. The transaction will be restarted. Used in the SPI leader balance case.
      See Also:

      static final byte DR_TABLE_HASH_NOT_FOUND
      Status code indicating that a record in DR binary log could not be applied because a table could not be found for the table hash from the remote cluster. Used internally only.
      See Also:

      static final byte UNSUPPORTED_DYNAMIC_CHANGE
      An attempt was made to update the application catalog online, but the deployment contained changes that are not supported for online change. Reinitialization is required. This is a graceful failure.
      See Also:

      static final byte CLIENT_ERROR_TXN_NOT_SENT
      Status code indicating that the transaction failed in the client before it was sent to the VoltDB server. This status code is used for client errors other than timeouts.

      Currently used only with the Client2 interface.

      See Also:

      static final byte CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT
      Status code indicating that the request was timed out in the client before it could be sent to the VoltDB server.

      Currently used only with the Client2 interface.

      See Also:

      static final byte CLIENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT
      Status code indicating that the request was timed out in the client while waiting for a response from the VoltDB server. No conclusion can be drawn about whether the transaction has been executed.

      Currently used only with the Client2 interface.

      See Also:

      static final byte COMPOUND_PROC_USER_ABORT
      Status indicating that a compound procedure was aborted by explicit action of the stored procedure. No rollback was performed; transactions submitted by the procedure and successfully completed remain committed.
      See Also:

      static final byte COMPOUND_PROC_TIMEOUT
      Status code indicating that a compound procedure is taking longer than a sufficiently large timeout. The procedure may either be slow, deadlocked, or looping infinitely. The timeout response is sent even if the procedure subsequently completes.
      See Also:

      This status is returned when you are running in mixed mode and a new sysproc needs all nodes to have certain specified capability.
      See Also:

      static final byte CANNOT_UPDATE_CONFIG
      An attempt to update the configuration failed; no change was made. See also UNSUPPORTED_DYNAMIC_CHANGE.
      See Also:

      static final byte FAILED_CONFIG_UPDATE
      An attempt to update the configuration failed for an unexpected reason; the configuration may have been partially updated.
      See Also:

      static final byte UNINITIALIZED_APP_STATUS_CODE
      Default value for the user specified app status code field
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getStatus

      byte getStatus()
      Retrieve the status code returned by the server
      Status code
    • getAppStatus

      byte getAppStatus()
      Retrieve the status code returned by the stored procedure. This code is generated by the application and not VoltDB. The default value is -128.
      Status code
    • getResults

      VoltTable[] getResults()
      Get the array of VoltTable results returned by the stored procedure.
      An array of results. Will never be null, but may be length 0.
    • getStatusString

      String getStatusString()
      Get a String representation of any additional information the server may have included in the response. This may be an stack trace, error message, etc.
      A message or null if there is none.
    • getAppStatusString

      String getAppStatusString()
      Get a String representation of any additional information the stored procedure may have included in the response. This may be an stack trace, error message, etc. This is generated by the application and not VoltDB. The default value is null.
      A message or null if there is none.
    • getClusterRoundtrip

      int getClusterRoundtrip()
      Get an estimate of the amount of time it took for the database to process the transaction from the time it was received at the initiating node to the time the initiating node got the response and queued it for transmission to the client. This time is an ESTIMATE
      Time in milliseconds the procedure spent in the cluster
    • getClientRoundtrip

      int getClientRoundtrip()
      Get the amount of time it took to run the transaction through the Client API, database, and back to the callback.
      Time in milliseconds the procedure took to roundtrip from the client to the server
    • getClientRoundtripNanos

      long getClientRoundtripNanos()
      Get the amount of time it took to run the transaction through the Client API, database, and back to the callback.
      Time in nanoseconds the procedure took to roundtrip from the client to the server